Restaurants Face Dual Threats of Inflation and Hate Crime

Anti-Asian hate crime in the city was up by 361% last year, according to NYPD. Chinatown’s residents and its businesses have also been on the receiving end of assault and vandalism. As of March this year, 380 of its 1670 ground-floor storefronts stand empty. Wang’s youngest daughter of fifteen was assaulted in the neighborhood last year. The case is still in court. “We don’t know how to keep ourselves safe,” ....


Congratulations, UNH Law School's IP Program still ranks top 10 in the US. UNH-Dean_letter...



U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) on September 18, 2015, adopted a final rule on imports bearing suspected counterfeit marks or trade names recorded with CPB. CPB will disclose to a mark owner information on merchandise or its retail packaging that may otherwise be protected by the Trade Secrets Act. Detention notice will be served to the importer to allow the importer several days to provide a meaningful response... 


Gallup: UNH Grads More Likely To Thrive in Jobs, Lives

According to Dan Sinnot, senior consultant with Gallup, “UNH grads are much more likely to be engaged in their jobs than graduates from large public universities. And they are even more engaged than graduates from the Top 50 universities in the U.S. News & World Report rankings (48 percent vs. 41 percent respectively)."...


Wall Street financier Benjamin Wey charged with securities fraud, money laundering

Benjamin Wey, the head of New York Global Group, was arrested early on Thursday morning (9/10/2015) and made a brief appearance in federal court in Manhattan in the afternoon...


The collapse of the Pirate Bay, ‘the world’s most notorious file-sharing site’

December 9, 2014, Tuesday morning, two of its founders are imprisoned, Pirate Bay, ‘the world’s most notorious file-sharing site’...